Three squiqqly lines demonstrating excitement
Three squiqqly lines demonstrating excitement

Mood Health | Salinas

Your doctor set up your first Mood video visit. Let’s get you scheduled!

Now, let's verify your patient info.

Have you been diagnosed with any of the following?

Choose one or multiple  
Three squiqqly lines demonstrating excitement
Three squiqqly lines demonstrating excitement

Mood Health | Salinas

Your doctor set up your first Mood video visit. Let’s get you scheduled!

Have you been diagnosed with any of the following?

First Mood Visit

A piegraph with one slice in orange showing 25% and the other in black showing 75%

First Mood Visit

An iconographic representation of a pill and a tablet

Psychiatry Only

An iconographic represetnation of two talk bubbles

Talk Therapy Only

Kick things off with a licensed psychiatric provider to assess your needs and developer your care plan.

  • Connect with your provider via video for 45 minutes

  • Receive a complete mental health evaluation

  • Talk through all your treatment options

  • Leave with a concrete plan for next steps

Kick things off with a licensed psychiatric provider to assess your needs and developer your care plan.

  • Connect with your provider via video for 45 minutes

  • Receive a complete mental health evaluation

  • Talk through all your treatment options

  • Leave with a concrete plan for next steps

Already familiar with your medication? Start with a 1:1 visit with one of our licensed psychiatric providers.

  • Connect with your provider via video for 45 minutes

  • Discuss your medical and psychiatric history

  • Adjust medication if appropriate

  • Leave with a schedule for ongoing check-ins

Already know that talk therapy is the right path for you? Meet with a licensed therapist to start your journey.

  • Connect with your provider via video for 50 minutes

  • Discuss your symptoms and goals for your therapy

  • Leave with a concrete plan for ongoing care

A white checkmark on a green circle Accepts Insurance
A white checkmark on a green circle $95 cash-pay*

*For more information about our cash pricing, click here