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How To Get Out Of Your Head: Tips and Tricks

Everyone has moments of being overwhelmed from time to time. Problems and conflicts throughout our days can linger in the back of our minds and prevent us from completing our routines. You’re not alone in getting stuck in your head; still, you might want some relief from these endless worrisome thoughts.

These overwhelming thoughts don’t have to stay. 

At Mood Health, we want to introduce you to a few ways to reduce anxious thought patterns and start feeling better. Before we look at how to get out of your head, let’s talk about a few signs of overthinking.

Six Signs that You Might be in Your Head

Have you found yourself recently fixating on things that could go wrong in your life? Several signs might show you that you’ve been in your head lately. Let’s walk through each one to see where you are. 

1. Your Current Season of Life is Demanding

Sometimes, life deals you cards that are difficult to play. You may feel unprepared to handle your current workload. That might look like triple- and quadruple-checking your reports to ensure you didn’t make errors. 

Maybe you just had your first baby, and you’re finding it challenging to keep up with the duties of parenthood. This stress might manifest in endless web browsing on first-time parenting forums to ensure you’re doing everything perfectly. 

These are natural responses to a shift in your world. It may pass on its own with time, but getting therapeutic help is a great option to consider, too. You deserve to feel comfortable managing your thoughts during your workday and time at home.

2. You Can’t Let Go of Past Hurts

Some people go through unbelievably hard things. You might find yourself replaying a breakup from years ago or ruminating on events from your childhood. It’s natural to relive these thoughts, seeking an answer to the big questions you have. Still, these flashback scenes are indicators that you’re in your head. 

These looping thoughts don’t have to continue forever. In a moment, we’ll learn a few ways to cope with these hurts. 

3. Everyday Worries Seem Insurmountable

Perhaps you’ve found yourself revisiting your parking situation earlier this morning. Someone may have cut you off to get to your usual space, and you’re still not okay with it. 

Or maybe your favorite coffee shop was out of the drink you usually order. The missing step in your morning routine threw you for a loop. All afternoon, you’ve noticed yourself ruminating on why that’s impacting your day. 

If you observe that you’re often troubled by these day-to-day hiccups, you may want some relief so you can get back to your life. 

4. You Find Yourself Fixated on Worst-Case Scenarios

We all have moments when fear strikes, and we suddenly feel the need to develop a safety plan, especially in unfamiliar places. There’s nothing wrong with being prepared. 

However, you might feel that your mind is constantly on overdrive trying to protect you. If your mind cannot slow down from predicting worst-case scenarios, it could be a sign that you need a little help with grounding. Getting out of your head may help you to enjoy your surroundings more often.

5. You’re Having Trouble Getting To Sleep

It seems like overwhelming thoughts know just when to take center stage: at bedtime. As you drift to sleep, do you often replay conversations you had during the day? Perhaps as you’re trying to wind down, you begin backtracking over your conflict with a co-worker at lunch, wondering if they may have misinterpreted your message. 

Do you have a mental checklist that suddenly appears like clockwork as your head hits the pillow? Do you notice all the tasks that feel manageable in the daytime appear as urgent reminders at night? You may have trouble silencing your appointments, upcoming projects, and family events while trying to doze off. 

You might call it “overthinking.” We think it’s an opportunity to develop thought patterns that help you relax and find peace in your inner world. 

6. You Find it Hard to Stay Focused

No one likes getting off-track during work hours or personal projects. Are you able to get into a flow state while you work, or do you tend to drift toward anxious thoughts? If you’re having trouble zeroing in on tasks, it could be a sign that you’re in your head. 

Practical Ways to Get Out of Your Head

Improving mental health is a unique experience for every person. The process of gaining peace in your thought life may look different than someone else’s. 

You can try several methods to quiet your busy thoughts. While you try out different tools for calming your mind, remember that seeking help from a professional therapist is an excellent idea. 

Let’s look at tips to help you soothe racing thoughts and get back into your life. 

Get to the Root

Have you ever seen a play? When a character addresses the audience directly, it’s known as “breaking the fourth wall.” Actors do this as a way of bringing you into the story instead of letting you watch passively. 

When you get into your head, you might feel like a passive spectator as worries from the day present themselves on the stage in your mind. One way to help your mind calm down is to call out what you see. 

This method might feel contrary to your nature; many people grew up believing that they should stuff their feelings down rather than call them out. To try this idea, you could journal without limits about what you’re feeling. Another option is talking with a friend about the thoughts taking space in your mind.

It’s brave to address the cloudy, swirling thoughts. Actively getting to the root of your feelings is an excellent first step in calming your thoughts. 

Practicing Mindfulness

Have you ever tried mindfulness? It’s a practice that involves both your mind and body, and it can help you recenter yourself. 

Mindfulness essentially involves two components: attention and acceptance. First, give attention to the present moment. Notice your breath, your physical sensations, your heartbeat, and any tension you may be holding in your body. Pay attention to the way your body responds to your whirling thoughts.

Next, accept yourself. Though it’s easier said than done, try treating yourself the way you might treat a loved one. By paying attention to your sensations and accepting your emotions, you can start to still some of the noise and come back to the present.

Address Your Stressors

Sometimes, the things clouding our minds are situational. Is your car’s “check engine” reminder flashing at you during the day? Perhaps you have an upcoming presentation that’s been filling your head with worries. 

If possible, try taking care of some of those stressors. Make the appointment at the auto-shop. Spend two hours on your presentation to give yourself a boost in confidence. You may find that once you give these things attention, you’re able to think more clearly. 

Some people can use the above steps to get out of their heads and be present in the moment. If you still feel overwhelmed, you don’t have to feel stuck. 

Let’s talk about another alternative to care for your mental health.

Talk to a Therapist

Talking to a licensed therapist is a game-changer for so many. Unfortunately, traditional therapy can cost up to $200 per session, making it costly to keep up with regular care. Traditional therapy also usually requires meeting in person with a therapist to discuss treatment. Some find it challenging to find a provider near them that suits their needs. 

Still, pursuing talk therapy is an option well worth your consideration. Let’s talk about how you can access care that’s affordable and manageable with your everyday schedule. 

How Mood Health Can Help

At Mood Health, we wanted people like you to have a better way to access mental health care. You don’t have to drive an hour to find a qualified therapist; Mood Health can virtually connect you with a well-trained professional therapist. 

We make therapy affordable, too. Your first month with Mood will only cost $45. After that, you’ll pay $95 per month to meet with a therapist who can develop an individualized treatment plan, provide ongoing check-ins, assessments, and diagnoses as appropriate. 

It’s never been more manageable to meet with a therapist who can help you start feeling better.

Get Out Of Your Head With Mood Health

When you notice you’re spending a lot of time in your head, you don’t have to feel trapped. By incorporating mindfulness, speaking with others, and seeing a trained therapist, you can begin a practical regimen that helps promote real change in your life. That means fewer late nights overthinking your brunch conversations and more time spent enjoying the moment.



Mindfulness exercises | Mayo Clinic

15 Ways to Stop Overthinking and Worrying About Everything | Life 

Breaking the Fourth Wall – What It Is, Why People Avoid and Why Some Don’t | Lion Heart Theatre 

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