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How Much Does Therapy Cost: A Complete Breakdown

You’ve probably noticed the topic of mental health is gaining visibility. People speaking up about their experiences with anxiety and depression make it easier for others to do the same. As a society, we are beginning to understand that seeking help is a sign of strength. 

Unfortunately, when it’s time to get help for mental health, many people still consider therapy a luxury because it’s so expensive. 

Let’s look at how much therapy costs and how we’re creating a better system at Mood.

What Are Your Needs?

Everyone approaches mental health from a unique starting place. Some go through heartbreak, loss, and even trauma that leads them to the therapy room. Others are noticing depressive and anxious thoughts throughout the day. Others still are looking for therapeutic help to reach personal goals and better their mindset for themselves and those around them.

Whatever your motivation for choosing therapy, let’s check out the different routes you can choose to start feeling better.

Are You Looking for Talk Therapy?

Sometimes, we just need to be heard. Empathy is an incredible gift to give and receive. When it comes to your therapeutic journey, it’s helpful to note that talk therapy reaches beyond listening. 

At each session, your therapist hears your story with your best interests in mind. In addition, they use their years of training to help you manage your anxiety and depression in practical, manageable ways through tools and coping mechanisms.

Are You Seeking a Group Therapy Setting?

Group therapy allows you to sit in with others and learn from their stories and struggles. It’s a reminder that you’re never alone in this, and it can be a great tool in addition to one-on-one sessions or on its own. 

Do You Need to Have Medicine Prescribed?

Talk therapy can help give you the tools to manage recurring thoughts and feelings. However, there are physical causes and manifestations of mental health conditions, as well.

Having medicine prescribed by a psychiatrist can be a crucial step for many people. If you want help managing your depression or anxiety, consider visiting a psychiatrist who can develop an individual treatment plan for you.

Traditional Costs of Therapy

We’ve looked at some of the ways you can take the next step in your journey toward mental health. Now, let’s chat about how we can make therapy more affordable for everyone. 

Group Therapy Prices

Did you know group therapy is available at an affordable price? If you’d prefer to begin your mental health journey in group therapy or want to add group therapy to your existing treatment plan, it’s an option that’s easy on your pocketbook. You can learn from other peoples’ lives and help encourage them with your stories. 

Group therapy sessions can range from $40 to $80 per session. 

Individual Therapy Session Estimates

Speaking with a skilled, licensed professional therapist is an opportunity you should consider if you think you’d benefit from a more personal experience. 

In a traditional therapy setting, a single session can cost up to $150 or $200. These costs can add up. 

If those numbers seem high, we’d like to show you how we’ve created a talk therapy plan at Mood that fits your needs and budget.

Psychiatrist Appointment Costs

Psychiatrists can play a vital role in your mental health journey. Think about your needs and whether seeing a psychiatrist could benefit you. 

You may be searching for a psychiatrist who can prescribe medicine for anxiety and depression. You should budget around $500 for your first visit, then $250 per session going forward if you don’t have insurance. 

The Role of Insurance

Insurance companies may cover a percentage of your mental health care. This coverage can relieve the financial burden and make it more feasible to visit mental health professionals as needed. You may only have to pay a copay or deductible, depending on your health insurance plans. 

Sadly, some insurance providers only cover a few mental health expenses, leaving you to make up the difference out of pocket. If you’re insured under the Affordable Care Act, your insurance plan covers some therapy practices. 

Check with your health insurers to understand whether mental health services are part of your insurance coverage. 

Mood Has a Better Idea

There’s no short answer to how much therapy costs, but individual therapy can cost up to $200 per session without insurance. Other types of therapy like psychiatry visits can be even pricier

At Mood, we know money is the last thing you need to worry about while navigating the waves of mental health. For that reason, we decided to blaze a trail and make a platform for you to access premium mental health care.

Mood’s Talk Therapy Sessions Are Accessible

You shouldn’t have to cut into your savings to access quality mental health care. 

At Mood, we make it easy to choose a Licensed Professional Therapist you feel will fit your needs. With our pricing scale, your first session is just $39. 

When you come back, you’ll only pay $89 per session. It’s a rate that’s more affordable than in-person therapy, so you can start feeling better without worrying about money.

Mood’s Psychiatry Subscription Is Affordable

At Mood, we’re big believers that healing involves your entire self – your mind and body. 

Without insurance, a psychiatrist visit could quickly drain your finances. Mood makes mental health care easier on your wallet with a monthly psychiatry subscription that is only $45 for your first month. After that, you’ll pay $95 per month. That’s half of what a one-hour session would cost for some psychiatrist visits.

If your treatment plan includes medicine, we’ll ship it directly to your house. We never markup the cost or charge fees in addition to the up-front costs. It’s one of many ways we support you in your treatment plan. 

Here’s a list of everything your Mood psychiatry subscription includes:

  • Initial Consultation: Assessment and Diagnosis

  • Treatment Planning

  • Prescription

  • Care Monitoring

  • Treatment Adjustments

  • Ongoing Check-Ins

Please note that while we provide therapeutic services, we don’t conduct or participate in forensic assessments, including disability claims.

Why Mood is Perfect for Those Without Mental Health Coverage 

Right now, Mood works outside insurance. This method might benefit you if your insurance plan doesn’t include mental health coverage, or if your deductibles and copays are higher — or even if you simply can’t find a therapist you like in your network. 

At Mood, our all-the-time rates are always affordable. 

Mood Makes It Easy to Find Quality Care

Have you ever avoided therapy out of fear that you’ll end up with a therapist that’s not a good fit? 

At Mood Health, you’ll meet your provider virtually so that you can feel comfortable in your home environment. If you think it’s not the right fit, we can help you switch to another Mood Health clinician who might better match your needs and personality. 

Are You Seeking Interventions for a Specialized Diagnosis?

At Mood, we join people on their journey to feeling better. We know that sometimes your concerns extend beyond anxiety, grief, and depression. If you have a mood disorder or mental health diagnosis that requires more specific interventions, like anger management or post-traumatic stress disorder, we’ll do everything we can to get you connected to the right resource.

We are rooting for you, and we want to encourage you to seek specialized external care such as marriage therapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). 

Why We Created Mood

Many people (including members of our team) have had frustrating experiences with traditional mental health care. Even though online therapy has provided accessible care for more people, it’s often short-sighted with a generalized approach. 

We didn’t want to sit around and wait for a better way; we wanted to have a hand in creating it. You shouldn’t have to choose between the price of therapy and paying rent or utilities. Affordable therapy options through qualified health centers are a necessity.

Summing It Up

Even with insurance, therapist visits and psychiatric sessions can add up when you’re going to appointments frequently. On top of that, you might find that you and your in-network therapist aren’t meshing as you’d hoped. 

From New York City to Los Angeles and everywhere in-between, our mission at Mood is to create a space where you can access affordable care that’s entirely personal. 

With Mood, you know exactly what you’re getting with each session and subscription, so you can focus on getting the help you need. 


How Much Does Therapy Cost Per Session in 2021? | Mom News Daily

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How Much Does A Psychiatrist Cost? | Electronic Health Reporter

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