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What You Shouldn’t Say To Your Therapist

Going to therapy is one of the best things you can do to invest in your well-being. Whether you’ve been to multiple sessions or you’re looking to make your first appointment with a therapist, you may be wondering if there are off-limits topics with your provider. 

Let’s address some of the things that come up in therapy and explore how to have difficult conversations with your mental health clinician. Then, we’ll show you how easy it can be to schedule a therapy appointment.

Why You Might Feel Like You Shouldn’t Say Some Things 

Maybe you’re on your fourth or fifth session with your therapist. The newness could be starting to wear off, and you’ve noticed yourself talking about more vulnerable parts of your story. 

As your therapist reacts to your experiences, they’ll likely attempt to clarify your feelings and ask you a few questions about your thoughts, too. 

As you approach sensitive topics, you might find yourself feeling prompted to be straight-up with your provider. Still, something inside you may tell you not to say certain things to your therapist for a few reasons. See if you find yourself in any of the following examples, and then we’ll talk about why you can bare it all to your therapist. 

It Might Be Too Honest

You might hold back from saying something to your therapist because you feel your thoughts are too honest. Perhaps you’re afraid to let this person down with the truth about your unfiltered perceptions and emotions. 

Even though it may feel uncomfortable, sharing honestly and openly about your life with your therapist is the best way to continue growing.

Telling the Truth Feels Vulnerable

Letting people in isn’t always easy. If you recently started seeing a professional mental health clinician, you might not feel totally comfortable opening up, telling your truth and your story. 

It might feel easier to put walls up and give surface-level answers in your sessions, but know that your therapist has your best interest in mind. A licensed therapist’s goal is to be a non-judgmental, compassionate listener. You’re free to tell the truth, even if it is scary. 

You’re Afraid You’ll Hurt Your Therapist’s Feelings

Perhaps you’ve found yourself in a situation with your therapist where you feel you’ve reached a standstill. Maybe in reflecting your perspective, your therapist said some things that made you think they don’t quite understand you. 

Sometimes there are reasons to end your therapeutic relationship. Still, most times, being honest with your therapist about their misunderstanding is all that’s needed to help get your relationship back on the right track.

You Think Your Story Is Too Much for Your Therapist

We know, rehashing the details can feel overwhelming. Are you the kind of person who imagines how your words might impact others? If so, you may find yourself holding back some of the more shocking details of your life to help protect your therapist from feeling too much or being overwhelmed. 

Thinking about others like this probably comes from a place of kindness; you don’t want to harm anyone or scare them with the details. Still, you should know that nothing will scare your therapist. You can trust their training and experience and share your story with transparency. 

You Disagree with Your Mental Health Provider

Do you agree with every one of your friends and family members? Likely, there are some relationships in your life where you allow for reasonable differences. 

While friends and family may let these issues come between your relationship, your therapist’s training has prepared them to meet differing beliefs with respect. If you notice that you and your mental health provider have differing life views, you can express that concern to them. A high-quality therapist will meet your concerns with care, sensitivity, and humility to learn more about you. 

The Truth: Nothing’s Off-Limits With Your Therapist

What’s your story with therapy? Maybe you started going a few years ago, and you’ve noticed some problems occasionally arise that make you feel like you can’t share some things with your mental health provider. Maybe you’ve never gone to a talk therapy session, but you feel apprehensive about opening up to a mental health clinician.

Whatever your story is, know that there’s nothing you can’t say to a licensed therapist. They desire to see you experience well-being, and knowing your authentic thoughts is one factor that allows them to do that. Having the courage to be open can enhance your therapeutic relationship and lead to a better therapy experience for you. 

Five Honest Admissions That Are Worth Making in Therapy

We’ve talked a bit about some of the things you might be scared to say to your therapist. Now, let’s walk through a few admissions that lead to honesty and progress with your mental health clinician. 

1. I’m Scared To Do This

When it’s your first time seeing a mental health provider, you might feel pressure to hold all your emotions in and show no signs of weakness. However, if that’s not what you’re feeling, that’s okay to say out loud. Letting your therapist know you’re afraid of what’s to come is a natural expression that you’re encouraged to share. 

2. I Don’t Like What You Just Said

When talking about sensitive information, your therapist might posit insights that don’t sit right with you. Perhaps they brought up a topic you’re not ready to face or suggested a perspective you disagree with. 

Letting your therapist know you don’t enjoy their response might feel strange, but it can ultimately help them clarify and understand you better than if you had left the issue alone. 

3. I Don’t Know If I Can Keep Doing This

For many, attending regular therapy sessions is an experience that enriches their lives and leads them to be able to achieve their mental health goals. However, you might feel that your experience in therapy is no longer providing value to you. 

If you’re currently seeing a provider who says inappropriate or unethical things, you can tell them you’re ready to stop and see someone else instead. Making the call to switch to a qualified mental health therapist can make all the difference.

4. I’m Feeling Triggered by Something We’re Talking About

As you approach the sensitive areas in your life, it’s a good idea to be open. Still, you know your limits. If your therapist is nudging you to dive into a topic that you’re not ready to handle, you don’t have to go there. 

Let your provider know what’s coming up for you, and you can hold off on discussing that subject for the time being. 

5. I’m Not Sure Our Current Plan Is Working

At the beginning of your therapeutic relationship, you and your therapist should discuss their theoretical orientation (therapy approach) and your mental health goals. Together, you should develop a treatment plan that you’ll execute in your sessions together. 

If you feel that your current relationship isn’t meeting your expectations or needs, talking about your feelings is an excellent way to open up the conversation for adjusting your plan.

How To Find a Mental Health Care Provider Who Cares

Maybe you’ve seen your situation in some of these statements above. Perhaps you haven’t started going to therapy, but you want to make sure you find a compassionate and well-trained therapist when you go for the first time.

Traditional therapy can be challenging, we know. We wanted a better way for you to access affordable mental health services, so we made Mood Health. With our providers, you can access the best quality virtual care from your home. 

Mood Health Makes It As Easy as Possible To Start Feeling Better

We know that when you’re navigating your mental health, scheduling appointments and budgeting for expensive therapy sessions is the last thing you want to do. At Mood Health, our talk therapy and psychiatric care services are a fraction of what they’d cost somewhere else. 

What’s even better is that you can schedule your first virtual appointment online this coming week. You’ll meet with a caring clinician who will get to know your needs and goals and develop a unique treatment plan with you. You do your part in showing up, and we’ll do our part in helping you through anxiety, depression, and meeting your mental health goals. 

In Conclusion: Say Anything

If there’s one thing you take away from this discussion, we hope it’s this: your therapist is there to hear you. They want to hear the good, the bad, and the things you’re afraid to say out loud. 

If you’re still looking for that empathetic, non-judgmental therapist or psychiatric care provider to listen to your story, see how Mood Health can partner with you to fit your needs. You deserve to say everything you need to. 



APA’s Vision, Mission, Values, and Goals | Psychiatry

theoretical orientation – APA Dictionary of Psychology | APA

The truth about lies | APA

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